Star Healing: Unity Consciousness

Sale Price:£15.00 Original Price:£22.22

1 Hour // Guided Journey, Sound, Energy Healing & Light Language

Audio recording from live session shared in October 2020 within New Moon energies (Please note this audio recording is the healing transmission only so it does not have an intro)

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A beautiful, activating and deeply healing journey to connect to your star ancestors. I have been working with spirit, angels and light beings for many years and I have been channeling light language for 4 years but in recent months my connection to galactic beings has deepened in ways I didn’t expect. I have been experiencing intense ‘dream’ visits in 2020 where I have had many different connections with light beings - including being operated on by spirit surgeons, connecting with UFOs and having direct communication with star beings. Most recently I have also connected to these light being in my waking consciousness on many occasion and I received messages. These beings are coming very close right now on our planet. They are helping us to shift old ways of being. They want us to work through the ‘separation vibration’ that is so strongly conditioned on planet earth so that we can come into deeper harmony with each other and the earth, into what they call ‘unity consciousness’. I know it is time for me to honour this connection and channel the light to anyone who feels called to receive it.

In the session I guide you on a cosmic journey to the stars and beyond to connect to these divine beings and receive deep healing in every level of your being. These light beings are here to help humanity. They want to reach many people at this time. They have shown me how important it is for us all to come as deeply into our hearts as possible right now, so this session will help to support you in removing anything that is standing in the way of you being in your sacred heart energy. It will be a way for you to reawaken to the love that you are and remember the light that you hold within. This is the gift that these beings bring. A remembering of who we are at our core. A reminder of our divine essence beyond our ‘physical’ form.

You will be taken on a magical journey to connect with yourself and the universe on a soul level. Throughout the session I open up as a channel for the beautiful light frequencies to flow through guided journeying, sound healing, energy work and light language transmissions. Deep shifts and activations will be ignited in mind, body, heart and spirit.


“This was the most incredible session, my whole being felt like it was being realigned”

“The healing that I received actually started a few days before I replayed the session. A lot of communication has been coming through my dreams recently and on Sunday night I had one of the most profound experiences I've had so far and I genuinely believe its because i was opening up to your healing session. I did your healing on Tuesday and it was one of the most profound experiences I've had. As soon as you starting playing the crystal bowl it felt like the sound when straight to my right knee (i have an old injury here) and started zapping it with healing. It happened so fast I couldn’t believe it, then it moved to other areas i have old injuries and then it just consumed me. I went so deep into this that i have no idea where i went but i do remember some things. I wanted to share this to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do. Having you and your work come into my life has changed me. I'd be here forever if i had to say how but for now all I want to leave with is thank you from my heart to yours.”

“Wow! Josie that was something! I don’t remember everything but different parts of my body was moving so I woke up a couple of times and had to let go of fear consciously”

“I loved your star healing on Thursday. It was a super intense experience and I met a being who I can’t quite describe but just left myself and my highest self in a daze. I also felt that the actual notes you played were so deep and magical.”

“That was beautiful Josie, thank you. When you brought in the Pleidians they connected with me, I could see them looking down on me through my 3rd eye floating in shades of purple.”

“Thank you so much Josie, that was so powerful. I could physically feel these angelic beings working on me! I saw so much and felt so much. Still feel it. My body feels really cold but its such a different sensation”

‘Wow thank you. Thank you for facilitating such an activation of remembrances. It was incredibly powerful. I met my star seed being as she climbed into my energy field, her colours were gorgeous and I saw the darkness and death of old beliefs.”

“Last night was mind blowing! At one point I could feel something pressing against the whole of the upper half of my body especially my chest & arms - then I had tears flowing down my cheeks - just felt like something was trying to heal me - so special I can’t tell you how amazing it felt after a very traumatic few years!”

“What was quite mad was that afterwards when I was clearing the kitchen I saw that my daughter had been drawing something, when I had a closer look she had drawn some kind of alien being! I had headphones on so she couldn’t have heard anything…! She barely draws at all now so yes I was taken by surprise!”

“It’s like I’ve finally started to feel alive again. Thank you so much Josie there are no words for what you do, you are just magical. I feel like years of work have been fast forward and condensed into now. I’ve transformed so much with you in a short space of time, I wish you were my life long coach and met you years ago, you incredible beautiful soul I love you dearly with ally heart”