Angelic Healing: Raise Your Vibration

Sale Price:£15.00 Original Price:£22.22

1 Hour // Guided Journey, Sound, Energy Healing & Light Language

Audio recording from live session shared in December 2020 (Please note this audio recording is the healing transmission only so it does not have an intro)

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Many people are going through very deep healing processes right now. It is likely this has been unfolding throughout this intense year but will be heightening for many right now as we come to the end of 2020. The energies are shining a light upon any dense vibrations and bringing wounds to the surface, which could be manifesting physically in your body/health, emotionally or mentally. Many people are going through profound transformation and I feel the call of the angelic realms wanting to support humanity in these times. It is important you have support to move through these deep shifts and purging experiences so that you do not remain stuck, angry or fearful. This is a powerful time where you are being invited to release the old and raise your vibration in preparation to shift into a new year. Staying grounded, looking after yourself, staying in your centre and keeping your energies high will be very beneficial and allow you to truly receive the light that is flowing. However, sometimes we need to remember to seek help. Our angels are always there supporting us behind the scenes with our team of guides. When we connect with spirit the intention to heal we can experience profound shifts and expansion.

In this session I will bridge a connection between the angelic realms. The angels are multi-dimensional beings who are here to assist humanity in raising our consciousness. I am always blown away by the gentle, compassionate energy that angels carry because they often ignite such profound healing and powerful shifts. They are a force of light that is like no other. They hold unconditional love and remind us of the beauty, joy and peace that we all are at our core. Right now they want to support your system and help you to reclaim any power that has been given away. If you have been going through any shifts lately whether challenging or not, now is a beautiful time to allow it all to truly integrate into your being.

In the session I guide you on a journey within to receive healing light in mind, body and spirit - through guided journeying, sound healing, energy work and light language. I call upon the angels to assist in the healing and channel many light language transmissions throughout to support deep release and activation.


“So last night I listened to the recording. I didn't fall asleep this time and about half way through I had slipped into quite a deep state of meditation. At the exact moment the vibration form the crystals peaked, an unexpected vision of a star being blasted its way in, so crystal clear. I've never experienced anything like it and this was the feisty time I have had any conscious interaction with a star being. I’m feeling ridiculously excited about my encounter today and i enacted to send a note to say thank you for facilitating this magical experience.”

“I really felt the presence of my angels. I saw a beautiful white wolf and felt very protected, warm and held. It went so quickly, I went somewhere else for a while. As soon as you started I was smiling. Thank you for this healing and all of them this year, they’ve all been profound in their own way. thank you so much”

“Thank you so much for this incredibly powerful healing tonight. I experienced so much that I just can’t put into words right now, I was very present and being guided to hear what is was you were saying which is funny cos I usually drift off into the ether”

“Thank you so very much!! Tonight was my most profound session yet! Goodness, so much clearing!! Honestly! The deepest I have ever gone!” 

“I am so pleased I read a magazine article about you which encouraged me to connect with you. The sessions I have shared with you have been amazing and so needed. Last night was incredible I felt my whole body vibrate in a way I have never felt in my entire life. Incredible”

“This was truly magical tonight, thank you so much. when you were speaking about chakras I felt and saw lilac and white light energy shooting through my body. It was truly beautiful. Thank you for helping me to feel and harness my power”

“Thank you so much for last night. I went really deep and was going in between realms, it was amazing. When you were dying light language transmissions I had a coughing fit and I knew I released some negative energy/limiting beliefs I was ready to let go of. It was exactly what I needed and exactly the right time. I have felt so connected within myself today and just so calm. I wish I could have found you and your offerings sooner but obviously the time was right now.”

“Josie last night’s session was truly amazing and beautiful. I drifted off in the middle and at the beginning when you started I saw beautiful crystals in my mind's eye. Then when you sang the light language my whole body got chills. So grateful for you”