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Womb Awakening Ceremony (Online Offering)


Womb Awakening Ceremony

With Josie Danielle & Felicity Weston

Online Via Zoom

Payment Via Eventbrite ONLY

Sunday 25th October 2020

5:00pm - 8:00pm BST UK GMT

Please Note: This will be recorded for those who cannot make it live! Please book as normal as the replay will be sent to all afterwards

To live with a womb that is awakened, is to live in truth, in trust and in freedom

It is living with a knowing that you are fully supported by the Earth and by Spirit

It is living a life guided by your own inner wisdom, intuition and the gift that is your body

It is living in deep trust of your body, the universe and the process

It is living in deep presence, and thus in sacred sensuality

It is living in flow with life

The awakened womb is a fertile energy centre which can manifest and birth dreams into reality - whether that is your soul purpose, your dream home, your creative expression or bringing new life into the world

The awakened womb is a magical portal that connects two worlds - spirit and physical

It is the portal of creation, from where we all come

It is the connection to pure life force energy and source

Every woman deserves to live from a womb that is awakened

It is our birthright

It is your birthright

Join us on Sunday 25th October for an awakening and activating womb healing journey, held online via Zoom from the privacy of your own sacred space.

We have been guided to share this journey whilst the moon is waxing in Aquarius. Emotions are predicted to feel a little heightened and complicated during this transit but this is often the perfect time to release and shift anything stagnant. Coming together in sacred space will give us the freedom to express emotions while they are right there at the surface. When emotions are not fully formed and expressed, they can become trapped in our body, and when unconsciously ignored for some time they tend to sit in our sacral region - and for women that means our womb space - leaving our energy centre blocked and preventing us being in full flow and vitality.


Our unique co-creation is a blend of gentle yet powerful and ancient yet accessible healing modalities, with the aim of releasing suppressed emotions and blocks that prevent free flow, joy and pleasure in all its forms

Womb work is a beautiful gift to the self, to all those who have come before us, and all those who are yet to come. To bring loving awareness to the womb is to invite healing of the relationship with self, which in turn ignites healing in our relationship with others, opening us up to deeper connection, compassion and love

This ceremony will be a journey of the sacred, supported by the heart-opening plant medicine cacao, heart-womb breathwork, intuitive and embodied movement, journaling, womb activations, crystalline sounds, guided healing journey and channeled light language transmissions

We will work with the medicines found in stillness and movement, sound and silence, darkness and light. Working with the dualities of love, life and healing.

Our intention and mission - to guide women to walk the path of truly knowing themselves. To understand the beauty and power that lies within. To trust that they already have everything they need inside. To come back to the place from which we all came, the womb - and the womb of the divine mother. For the womb holds the key to activate and reawaken us to our deep feminine power.

No experience is necessary to join. Just come with an open heart and a call and willingness to receive. You will be guided with love and tenderness throughout the entire journey :)

The beauty of connecting online is that we may explore sacred (and perhaps totally new) practices within the comfort and privacy of our own space, whilst still connecting with others. Many have shared how they have felt safe to fully surrender in their own space, so it feels like a beautiful opportunity to gently step into womb work.


This offering is for women. It is suitable for ALL women at any stage of life - even when we no longer have a monthly cycle our body is always connected to the cycles of nature. Womb work is extremely helpful for those who no longer have a physical womb – as we all hold the energetic imprint of the womb within us, and so we can still connect with the magic – a portal that not only births life, but our dreams into reality!

Womb work is particularly beneficial for women who are experiencing disconnection from their femininity, body, sexuality. As well as those who are experiencing fertility issues, irregular menstrual cycle, menstrual pain and any other physical imbalances in the womb, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, fibroids or endometriosis. This work is also very supportive for those who have experienced sexual abuse, miscarriage, abortion or childbirth trauma.


- Quiet and private space where you will be undisturbed (ideally with strong WiFi)

- Yoga mat or rug (movement is fairly gentle)

- Comfortable and loose clothing - wear something that makes you feel good and FREE! Nothing too binding. We recommend reds, pinks, oranges - the colours of the womb

- Any props to make your experience more comfortable as you will be sat for long periods of time (e.g. meditation/floor chair, bolster, cushions, blocks)

- An eye pillow and blanket for the sound healing journey (It is also advised to have an extra pillow to go underneath your knees for lower back support and comfort)

- Headphones for sound healing

- Notebook/journal and pen

- At least 1 candle (fire is the element for transmutation, and helps us to bridge our connection to the spirit world)

- An offering for Spirit: This can be anything that feels right for you, ideally something tangible: ideas include, something from nature, crystals, flowers, food, drink, coins, ribbon, a hand-made gift - ideally this will be a hearty offering, something you are happy to fully GIVE

- Palo Santo/Sage/Incense and/or an instrument for space clearing

- Water for general hydration throughout the ceremony

- Rose/Roses

- We advise you to make your sacred space as special as possible - with flowers, candles, fairy lights, crystals - this time is for you. Treat yourself with pure love

- Ceremonial Cacao: Please order this as soon as possible so it will arrive in time! Please find our cacao recommendations as follows;

- It is strongly advised to avoid caffeine on the day

- Please avoid alcohol completely before and after the ceremony

- Try not to eat for 2 hours prior to the ceremony but you may want to have wholesome food/snacks ready for the ceremony closing to help you to ground back into your body with love


Please meet on Zoom Link 1 by 4:55pm latest so we can begin our ceremony promptly at 5:00pm

5:00pm Grounding & Heart-Womb Breathwork

5:15pm Cacao Ceremony & Journaling

6:15pm Intuitive & Embodied Movement Medicine // Inviting Pleasure & Abundance with Felicity

7:15pm Break (To switch to new Zoom Link 2 and set up your space for sound healing)

7:30pm Womb Healing Journey // Guided Journey, Crystalline Sound, Energy Healing & Light Language with Josie

8:00pm Close Ceremony

Please note, we will send out the information and zoom links Sunday 25h October AM to the emails used upon booking via Eventbrite


2 Tier Option

£33 or £44


Please book via Eventbrite ONLY

(Please do not send payments via Paypal for this as it is a collaboration)


Womb Awakening // @wombawakeninguk

Felicity Weston // @ookushana

Josie Danielle // @josiedaniellehealing

We can’t wait to connect and journey with you sisters :)

All Our Love

Josie & Felicity

October 15

Star Healing: Sound, Guided Journey, Energy Healing & Light Language (Online Offering)

October 30

Spirit Animal: Full Moon Sound Journey (Online)