
Somebody asked me recently if it ever really switches off when you are working with energy. I had to answer honestly on a personal level, no. Over the years I have come to accept that it never stops. There is no switch off button when you are highly sensitive and here to serve divine, it is a way of life. Something which I have chosen long before I came here. I have finally integrated that truth now. Wherever I go I transmute energy. Whether it is tuning into others or the energies in the environment. My body has become so sensitive I will often cough and purge dense energy as it is fully transmuting. I use my voice to channel energies and cleanse. It has become an integral healing tool.

There are times when there are very dense energies around. These heavy energies could be emotions and pain or they could be entities, attachments and earth bound spirits. Whatever we want to call it, it’s all just energy though, just like us, but in different forms. These energies can sit in our own energy field and drain us or affect our thought forms, emotional state and health, from the most subtle ways to intense ways. I have experienced both ends of the spectrum. I have been through what I can only describe as a right of passage with spirit a couple of years ago, and since then I have shifted so much fear and fully stepped into my power around it. It has become the norm for my partner to be involved in the weird and wonderful happenings. We have had to laugh because almost every single holiday we have been on whether it is for christmas, birthdays or general summer trips, it usually involves me having to transmute energies and cleanse the space. I know there is a reason why Chris has been present for these experiences, because he is part of the clearing process. He anchors the energy so that the clearing can take place. I am grateful he has been part of this journey as the support has been so needed. It can be isolating going through these experiences. It has not been an easy ride but now I feel empowered to have faced my fears and fully accept this is part of my calling here. Now I fully embrace it after trying to run from it.

I do completely understand that until you experience these energies consciously it is very easy to push it aside as a projection or too out there. I can understand why people will have judgement around this subject. To be honest there is not enough open support or awareness about this and this does not sit right with me. Darkness should not be such a taboo thing. I now understand why spirit has guided me to spread this message and share my experiences, despite trying to ignore the guidance for a while, it feels the right time now. I trust it will reach those who may need support as I know it could bring some deeper understanding or it may relate to others who are on a similar path to me who may be feeling alone. If there is one thing I have learned, it is so important to share our truth without fear of judgement, because the more supportive beings there are around us who understand in these situations, the better.


Sobriety: The Gift That Keeps On Giving


Light Language: My Journey