Light Language: My Journey

My journey with light language has been profoundly healing in so many ways. It has been the gift that keeps on giving. It truly shifted so much within me and bought me deeply in touch with my heart so it means a lot to be able share it with others. I had never been exposed to light language before it started channelling through me so the whole experience was an awakening time and something I will never forget. I remember I started being aware of heavy sensations and vibrations in my throat in around 2014 whilst I was holding energy healing sessions. It always felt like a waterfall of energy was trying to pour out of my throat but I could not understand what I was supposed to do with it. I am always working on myself so I figured it was maybe a sign I was ready to go deeper into my own throat chakra work. This was completely true but it happened in a way I never expected.

At the beginning of 2017 I started having lucid dreams that I was in my bed but I was speaking in what I thought was tongues. I would somehow be able to force myself to wake out of that state as it scared me, so I would come back into consciousness feeling startled and a little confused. I had no idea what was going on but I knew there was something that my soul was trying to show me. I had a few dreams like this over the following weeks. I knew I had to understand what was happening but I did not know what I was even supposed to be looking for. During my path in service I seem to learn most from my own experiences and get guidance from spirit, so I trusted it would unfold at the right time. Synchronistically I had booked a ticket for a sound healing event around the same time and suddenly the whole experience fell into place. The sound healer started speaking in another dialogue during the journey and it sounded so similar to what I was doing in my dreams. I got shivers down my entire body. You know the kind of shivers which bring an instant knowing and truth? I just could not believe what I was hearing. As soon as it finished I asked the person next to me what it was and I got the reply ‘Light Language’

A few other people around me started to join in the conversation. It seemed that I was the only one who had not heard about this before. I couldn’t wait to get home so I could research into it. I learned that Light Language is a powerful healing tool. It is essentially pure light channelled through voice. It is a multi-dimensional form of communication. It can also be expressed through writing, hand and body movements, mudras, singing and toning. Language of light is truly a gift on Earth and it is here to assist in the ascension process. It brings through powerful vibrations that ignite spiritual awakening and help to process shifts in consciousness, release deeply held patterns and blockages and bring us in touch with our truth. It is essentially direct communication with source without our human mind getting in the way as it is not something you understand with the logical mind. It is something you feel deep inside of your heart. It brings you in touch with your spirit. It is the language of the soul.

After my experiences it was clear my higher self was showing me it was my time to bring light language into my waking life. I sat on my floor one morning and meditated with the intention to connect with it. Every part of me was ready to bring it through. I started humming with my voice and within minutes my entire body started shaking and twitching more intensely than I had ever felt before. I felt intense surges of energy pouring through my body. My jaw was shaking as if I was freezing cold. Suddenly I started to channel. It was coming through as sounds, clicks, dialogue and then high pitch tones. My ego constantly tried to sabotage it. I was worrying about what people might think if they heard me. Then suddenly I managed to come so deeply into my heart. The light that was pouring through my body and my voice felt like it was integrating into every cell in my mind, body and spirit. I let go of the thoughts. I dismissed my ego. I was home. My heart was wide open.

From that moment on I spent hours channeling light language for days on end. The more I allowed the energy to express through my voice the clearer it became and the more different types of codes were coming through. I remember how nervous I was when I first told my partner about it but I knew it was here for others so I had to breakthrough my own blockages and fear of judgement because those blocks are the opposite of what light language is here for. I also knew it was time to share it in my sessions. It happened vey naturally as soon as I intended it to come through. People started having very intense reactions to it throughout the energy and body and it really helped me to realise the power of the energies coming through. Sometimes people have very emotional reactions. Sometimes feelings of pure joy. Usually always a feeling that the language feels familiar. When these ancient codes channel through it is as if the vibrations literally encompass the entire energy field of the person and even the space around us. I even use light language to clear entities and it is incredible to witness the vibrations shift so quickly. Through this I have been shown that LOVE is truly the most powerful source of all healing. It doesn’t always have to be hard and tough when we heal darkness. Sometimes it can be gentle and beautiful. I am so grateful for this divine tool for however long I can be a vessel for this is a true honour.

