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Waters of the Womb: Online Sound Healing Transmission

I am honoured to share this sacred space for you to connect with the portal of your womb. You will be guided on a journey with crystalline frequencies, drums, rattles and light language channeled through my voice to clear stagnant energies and awaken life force within your body and womb space. Sound is a powerful healing gateway which speaks to every cell, raises our vibration and shifts stuck energies in the physical, emotional, spiritual bodies.

It feels powerful to do this work as we shift from Scorpio to Sagittarius. Scorpio is a water sign which connects us to our emotions and intuition. It is known as a time of death and rebirth which has been further amplified with the Eclipse season. The energies have been deep and transformative. As we move away from watery Scorpio it feels beautiful to delve into the wisdom of the womb to cleanse, acknowledge what has been released and offer blessings for what is to come.

The womb is an energetic space as well as a physical organ. It is a divine portal which connects spirit and physical. It is through the waters of the womb that you were birthed into this world. It is the space for creation and birth in every sense, whether you are calling in new life, creative projects or visions into reality. The womb is the source of your infinite power and creative energy. However, the womb can also hold pain and suppressed emotions so it can become a dense space without regular connection and expression. Over time the energy flow in our womb can become stagnant which can manifest physically or emotionally. This seems so common in our world right now, however, I choose to see this as a wake up call from the womb as if she is calling us to REMEMBER our power and reclaim our innate connection to this magical part of us. It is as if she is calling us home to truly be with ourselves, as the more we connect with our womb, the more we connect with our feminine power, our essence, our truth.

“Every woman's uterus needs attention, love & gratitude. When we are One with the womb, we are One with the Goddess.” — Dr Rosita Arvigo

If this is calling you please join me from the comfort of your own space. This transmission is an offering to your womb and to the cosmic womb in which we all come from - our Great Mother. It will be a beautiful moment for you to drop into your womb consciousness and nurture your connection. If you do not have a physical womb then you can still connect with the spiritual and energetic womb space. Womb work is truly transformational and supportive no matter what stage of life you are moving through as it is the core of our feminine essence. You will be met where you are ready to be met. This is the nature of the womb - she holds her own divine intelligence which lives within each of us just waiting to be reclaimed.

I am honoured to share this healing space with those who are called.

Much Love




Please note, replay will be sent to all so you can journey with the transmission as many times as you are called until it expires on the Full Moon 7th December 2022. If you cannot make it live please book as usual as I will send the replay link as soon as the healing session has come to a close.


As a self-employed new mother, I know that investments into healing are not always accessible, especially in this time of intense transition on our planet right now. It is my prayer that all women have access to womb work so I have added discount codes for anyone who requires a reduced rate

30% off discount code ‘WOMBOFLIGHT’ (5 spaces)

50% off discount code '‘WOMBLOVE” (1 space)

If you require a further support or you have any questions please reach out via


“I attended your live sound healing session of Sacred Sound: Divine Feminine back in March 2022 and it was a very powerful healing experience. I have period problems and early menopause symptoms and it has been really challenging. But after the session my pelvic pain was gone and my womb felt lighter. I couldn't believe it. It felt very nourishing and loving. I drifted off during the live sound and then during the replay too”

“The sounds and Josie’s voice both are going into every cell of my body and wake and nourish them. It is like a gentle wake up to find peace in my inner world. I just need to shake and wake a little to access it.”

“Thank you so much! I couldn’t make the live so journeyed just before bed! Went so deep that I for most of it I was somewhere else and then had this huge release in my throat that brought me back and then I realised we were going into each area of the body. I’ve so missed your sound journeys, they are always so special and potent for me”

“I am messaging you now before even moving from my bed where I received the most incredible energy healing from you. Oh, wow. I think at times still my logical mind falls into some skepticism when it comes to the power of the Universal energy and then things like tonight happen and any skepticism just dissipates in front of the mere evidence. I fell asleep as always very close to the very start so I was not following your words. I woke up when you were asking us to focus on the womb and hips. My hands were on my hips and I do not know if the burning energy I was feeling was in the womb/hips or in the hands or both. I just know I woke up and I was mesmerized by the power it had. I felt  the strong energy again across other parts of my body at every stage, in particular in the arms and hands, where I felt that the right/left were well balanced. This journey this week is going over and beyond any expectations I could have had and I am so so grateful and thankful for you and what you offer us. And I am so grateful my friend introduced me to your power back in 2019 and the skeptical me decided to give it a go as that has been just life changing for me. “

“I was so grateful of having the physical session last night — it was incredibly powerful, physically and emotionally. lots of stomach stuff. My hand was tapping my heart almost uncontrollably.”

“Oh Josie. I’m so grateful to be in this experience with you. I don’t think my words tonight even came close to expressing it. Still feeling it even after journalling. The pain journey I’m on it relentless and to have deep respite was like a miracle.”

“Last night I listened to the recording of day 2 as I was unable to make the live session. It was indeed powerful. Both sessions so far, I felt a vibrating/rocking sensation in my chest, almost like my energy body was firing on.. Last night, I felt A LOT of energy when you spoke light language. It is so hard to describe, but it was almost like my energy was squeezed and suction-cupped. It felt quite intense but I surrendered to it.”

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