The Sisterhood Wound


The feminine is rising and awakening on Earth right now and as part of the healing process many feminine wounds are being surfaced and purged in the collective. There has been a lot of talk about toxic masculinity in 2019 but not enough awareness raised about the wounds within the feminine. One of the deepest feminine wounds is within sisterhood. There seems to be such deep conditioning within the feminine that can be felt as disconnection or the feeling that you need to go it alone. To distrust other sisters. To see other sisters as competition. How does it make you feel as you read these words? How do you feel about your sisters right now? Do you feel competitive? Jealous? Resentful? Does her success trigger you or make you feel like a failure? Do you struggle to trust feminine relationships and truly let them in? Or are you experiencing this from other sisters in your life? Do you feel like you are triggering this wound in others?

This wound is really heightened right now because we are being asked to really see it. To feel it. To understand that this is not true sisterhood. We are not separated from one another. We are in this together. I cannot say this enough..TOGETHER we RISE. Now is the time for this cycle of competition and separation to be broken. To see that another sisters success is YOUR success. Her pain is YOUR pain. Her beauty is a reflection of YOUR beauty. Her light is a mirror of YOUR own divine light. We are all reflections of each other. We are being called to remember this. If we truly want to create a new earth, we have to come back to oneness. We have to soothe any of these wounds with pure unconditional love and forgiveness. Whether it comes from the mother wound or trauma or pain, we have to transmute it. We have to come back together in trust and in love.

A feminine wound that I carried was that I would put all of my power into another sister. I would celebrate their gifts and do whatever I could to help them rise yet I would not feel the same about myself. I had to learn that I was actually giving my power away and that it would be much more healthy for me to give that support from a balanced place within. Do you give your power away? Do you put your energy into helping others over yourself? Do see the gifts, beauty and light in your sisters but struggle to recognise it in yourself? If so, it is time to reclaim your power. It is time to see yourself as the powerful Goddess that you see in other sisters.

Something I have found with Womb Awakening is how incredibly healing it has been to be in circle with sisters. To feel truly seen, heard and held without judgement. To feel like we are all on the same open hearted page. I have been shown again and again how powerful it is when women come together in the name of healing, love and sisterhood. The level of sisterhood that forms in our circles is part of the medicine which creates such profound shifts. Sadly it has become apparent that many women have have not experienced the true meaning of sisterhood. Many will say the circle is the first time they have felt it and will explain how they haven’t ever felt safe and held in feminine energy without judgement or competition. Often women can shut down the feminine side completely out of protection, so feminine relationships can be non-existent in their lives. When this happens, as women, we will not feel complete. It is integral for sisters to come together and support each other. Our circles are a gentle space for women to come together to heal and rise. For women to connect to each other without the barriers that can so often be put up due to these wounds. Personally, Womb Awakening has gifted me healing that I struggle to find words for. I have transformed in many ways thanks to the safety and love of my sisters in circle. The way that we all hold each other, the way we open up and speak our truths, the way we support each other with such grace, the way we shed layers and connect to our gifts and truly SEE each other.

This is true sisterhood. It has changed my life. It has bought me deep healing in my feminine and I know with each circle I will continue to rise up in greater love and compassion for myself, others and the universe. This is the gift that I want to continue sharing with other women because this is our birthright sisters. We are remembering. We are coming home. We are one tribe

Much Love



Self-Hate: Returning To Love


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